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Online learning - What is it?

The word education has taken on a whole new look and has captured the interest of many parents seeking a way for their kids to get uninterrupted education.

"Online learning is the future. Learning at your own pace and from anywhere in the world!"

What is online learning?

Online learning, also called distance learning or e-learning, provides the platform for students to complete their educational studies online through an online schooling platform. Thanks to the advances of technology students are now able to access their subjects and courses in the comfort of their own homes.

How does online learning work?

Away are the days where online education meant using snail mail and waiting days or weeks for material to be delivered to your door. With the new advances of technology, courses, subject and study material are one click away.

Courses and subjects are delivered through the institution's online platform. The institution's platform will differ from one another depending on the software they use. Students then have access to this platform from their laptop, tablet or phones. Students will be able to access the information anytime and anywhere to complete their subjects or courses.

The benefits of online learning

Let's look at some of the benefits that a student will experiences through online learning:

  • Students can work from the comfort of their own home.

  • Courses or subjects can be accessed anywhere and anytime.

  • Students complete work and independent assignments at their own pace which allows more flexibility.

  • Teachers are able to efficiently deliver lessons to students.

  • A number of recourses and tools are available.

  • Online learning is from a financial point of view more affordable.

  • Student attendance is more regular.

  • Online learning also caters to a larger variety of learning styles.

It can't be all positive, right?

Although online learning has numerous benefits there are still a few things you as a parent would need to consider. It is important to know that online learning does provide education to all ages and with this also comes responsibility from you as the parent. Younger students will still need an adult to help and guide them through their learning activities and make sure that they are completing as well as understanding the work provided. Not all students will be able to sit down and remain focused for hours on end and will need the guidance of an adult to focus when necessary and also take breaks when needed.

It will also be important for the student to have a social outlet as they would have had at a traditional school setup such as sport, music or art. With this in mind, it is important that the student take enough screen "down time" as blue light can be damaging to the eyes.

Where to find an online school

Due to Covid-19 education institutions had to think quick on their feet to provide ongoing support and schooling for many students. This created an influx of online schools opening around the world as well as in South-Africa. With so many to choose from you are bound to find the right fit!

Online learning definitely offers students the opportunity to have uninterrupted schooling as well as the flexibility of working at his/her own pace and own time.


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