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The countdown to the big "three -oh"...

Let's face it. Being 29 isn't as easy as people make it up to be. It comes with a lot of "what ifs" and confusion... as well as the word that has been banned from your vocabulary for many years.

"The fact is, you have never been stronger or wiser or more ready for adventures than you are right now."

You are probably wondering what the big deal is about becoming (a little bit) older and why a lot of people that are 29 just avoid this topic completely. Throughout the years society has created this image of turning 30 is scary and that one should be afraid. It also created the stigma that you should be married, have kids and a beautiful house with a white picket fence.

This absolutely makes you question everything you have accomplished so far and you try to compare yourself to all the people in the same age group. Making sure you are "on track" or "on schedule" with society's image of what it means to almost be 30.

However, I am here to tell you that while you are mourning the death of your twenties and slapping on all the anti wrinkle cream you can find, you should rather realise that life is just about to get bigger and better.

The upside...

Turning the big "three -oh" should be an exciting time full of new exhilarating experiences to look forward too. It shouldn't be a number you use to compare you to anyone else and their accomplishments. The fact is, you have never been stronger or wiser or more ready for adventures than you are right now.

So if your 30th birthday is around the corner you can enter this new decade with a positive note. Here are 10 reasons why:

1. Throw yourself a gigantic party!

Nothing says you are celebrating life more than throwing yourself a big bash for your 30th birthday. Enjoy the day with family and friends. You only turn 30 once, right?

2. You are entering mature adulthood

An advantage of being 30 is that you will definitely have more respect from friends and co-workers as you have gained a lot of experience over the years.

3. Let's talk finances

Over the years you would have had to work hard, climb a lot of stairs and jump through a variety of hoops to earn a well deserved salary. Away are those days begging mom and dad to cover some of your expenses due to a beginner salary.

4. You can travel the world

You no longer have to wish you had taken a gap year. With finances under control your dream destination awaits...

5. Well, I guess you can still see these before 40...

No rush. Enjoy the scenery.

6. You can finally admit that you would rather have a braai...

Finally you are at a safe age where you can rather chat around a braai with friends than going out clubbing.

7. Time to settle down

If you have not done so yet... Don't stress! You can look forward to building more mature relationships and who knows even find the one.

8. Get a pet

Being an adult comes with great responsibility... Yes, one of which could be a pet!

9. Your prime years

Enjoy every single new wrinkle. Life is a journey.

10. You are wiser

You might have had out of this world experiences or had to make life altering decisions in your twenties. In the end you are much wiser for it.

Don't let society dictate how you should feel about being 30. You have one life, live it!

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